Monday, April 11, 2011

Possible Concepts for Circus Exhibition

1. Animal Cruelty
Possible Title- Life Behind Bars
Description- Clang! These animals are sentenced to life behind bars.

2. Dangers in Circus Life
Possible Title- Dazzlingly Dangerous!
Description- Bears, heights, and broken bones. In the circus bodily harm is right around the trapeze net.

3. Development of Circus Acts
Possible Title- The Show Must Go On.
Description- The twists and turns of the circus through time.

4. Circus Seen Through Pop Culture
Possible Title- Would you like to Spectaclarize That?
Description- From Ronald to Dumbo the Influence of the circus on popular culture.

1 comment:

  1. The way you have approached the writing for ideas 2 and 4 is where you need to be - they are both clever and informative.

    The title for idea 1 is a bit generic and the description sounds like the exhibit will showcase BOTH circus animals AND real-life criminals/prison system. Unless this is the case (and would be a disjointed exhibit), try it again, without such strong reliance on the confusing metaphor.
