when it succeeds, it’s invisible."
This quote by John D. Berry comes from the website creativepro.com where people from design and other closely related fields write articles about design topics. John’s post on March 21, 2007 is titled dot-fonts: Table of Contents and gives a lengthy explanation about good and bad design decisions while creating a table of contents. As a designer that deals mostly with books this is his area of expertise. His main argument during this article is that a table of contents while simple in concept is easily and frequently messed up. This causes problems for the viewer and can cause them to become confused. A good table of contents design allows the viewer to find their way around the page effortlessly and in turn nothing pops out of place. I chose this quote because this is a standard that all designers should aim for. The interaction between the design and the viewer should be as clear and painless as possible.
This quote by John D. Berry comes from the website creativepro.com where people from design and other closely related fields write articles about design topics. John’s post on March 21, 2007 is titled dot-fonts: Table of Contents and gives a lengthy explanation about good and bad design decisions while creating a table of contents. As a designer that deals mostly with books this is his area of expertise. His main argument during this article is that a table of contents while simple in concept is easily and frequently messed up. This causes problems for the viewer and can cause them to become confused. A good table of contents design allows the viewer to find their way around the page effortlessly and in turn nothing pops out of place. I chose this quote because this is a standard that all designers should aim for. The interaction between the design and the viewer should be as clear and painless as possible.