Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ipad Pages

Layout 1

Image Resize Overlays Text


Layout 2

Image Pushes Text To Accommodate Resize

Layout 3


Friday, April 22, 2011

Ipad Observations

1. Learning Curve: Special motions for specific actions like Time magazine's gesture to access the breaking news menu are not inherit and must be at some point explained. Also some things which are to be tapped don't always invite the user to tap them and they might be overlooked.

2. The Ipad allows for total immersion into the subject. The amount of detail that the ipad offers can allow more levels of information to reach the reader.

3. The Ipad catches the viewer through novelty.  The Ipad allows them to interact with the material and this can be fun so the reader is more likely to continue on.

Monday, April 18, 2011



The juxtaposition of circus culture with caution sign aesthetics to highlight the danger involved with everyday activities in daily circus life.

Possible Gift Shop merchandise:
Vinyl Toys
Stuffed Black and Yellow Elephants
Build a Circus Bear
Bear Paw Gloves
Elephant Slippers

Tightrope (working and broken items)
Trapeze Set (working and broken items)
Lion Tamer Whip
Clothing of Performers (Preferably with gashes from animals)

Opening and Closing Night- A demonstration of a trapeze act at full scale to show height. Black leotards to tie in with graphic work

Monday, April 11, 2011

Possible Concepts for Circus Exhibition

1. Animal Cruelty
Possible Title- Life Behind Bars
Description- Clang! These animals are sentenced to life behind bars.

2. Dangers in Circus Life
Possible Title- Dazzlingly Dangerous!
Description- Bears, heights, and broken bones. In the circus bodily harm is right around the trapeze net.

3. Development of Circus Acts
Possible Title- The Show Must Go On.
Description- The twists and turns of the circus through time.

4. Circus Seen Through Pop Culture
Possible Title- Would you like to Spectaclarize That?
Description- From Ronald to Dumbo the Influence of the circus on popular culture.

Friday, April 8, 2011

William Faulkner Book Covers

Initial Sketches:

First Iterations:

Final Covers:

Context Photos:

Starting from my initial sketches I decided to work with the concept of social conflict/tension.  Aesthetically I wanted the covers to represent the historically rough times the stories are set in.  As seen in the first round iterations I chose to use cut paper to show this roughness.  Problems arose as other connotations came with the paper.  I decided to use pictures to give more context while keeping the cut out look.  The interaction between the objects were used for tension. Incorporating the text also became a source of available tension.  By placing the text at slight angles I wanted to create an uncomfortable space.