Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bottle Cap Sorting

Alcohol vs. Soda Pop

Color Comparisons

Crown Caps vs Twist Caps

Top Row: Text & Image. Middle Row: Text Only. Bottom Row: Image only.

Card Sorting

Boulevard Wheat   Black, Red, Cream
Boulevard Pilsner   Gold, Black, Red
Boulevard Smokestack   Black, Red, White
New Belgium Snow Day   White, Red, Blue
New Belgium Fat Tire   Orange, Red, White
Shiner Bock   Red w/ Ram image
Pabst Blue Ribbon   Silver, Blue, Red
Jesse James' Outlaw Beer   Black
Mike's Hard Lemonade   Black & Silver
Smirnoff Ice   Red & Silver
Shock Top   Orange, Black, White, Yellow
Old Resputin   Black & Gold
O'Fallon Cherry Chocolate   Black, White, Gold
Boylan's Cream Soda   Cream, Black, Turquoise
Boylan's Diet Cream Soda    White & Black
Boylan's Orange Soda   Yellow & Orange
Boylan's Creamy Red Birch  Red, White, Black
Jarritos   Silver, Green, White
Sprite   Blue & Silver
Pepsi   Blue, White, Red
Coca-Cola   Red & SIlver
Star Cap   Silver & Yellow

Number of Caps:
Boulevard Wheat   122 Caps
Boulevard Pilsner   18 Caps
Boulevard Smokestack   2 Caps
New Belgium Snow Day   10 Caps
New Belgium Fat Tire   4 Caps
Shiner Bock   8 Caps
Pabst Blue Ribbon   7 Caps
Jesse James' Outlaw Beer   3 Caps
Mike's Hard Lemonade   4 Caps
Smirnoff Ice   2 Caps
Shock Top   1 Cap
Old Resputin   3 Caps
O'Fallon Cherry Chocolate   4 Caps
Boylan's Cream Soda   12 Caps
Boylan's Diet Cream Soda   1 Cap
Boylan's Orange Soda   3 Caps
Boylan's Creamy Red Birch  2 Caps
Jarritos   3 Caps
Sprite   2 Caps
Pepsi   1 Cap
Coca-Cola   1 Cap
Star Cap   1 Cap

Alcohol V Soda Pop:
Boulevard Wheat   Alcohol 4.4% ABV
Boulevard Pilsner   Alcohol 4.8 % ABV
Boulevard Smokestack   Alcohol 10.5 % ABV
New Belgium Snow Day   Alcohol 6.2% ABV
New Belgium Fat Tire   Alcohol 5.2% ABV
Shiner Bock   Alcohol 3.46% ABV
Pabst Blue Ribbon   Alcohol 4.74% ABV
Jesse James' Outlaw Beer   Alcohol 5.5% ABV
Mike's Hard Lemonade   Alcohol 5% ABV
Smirnoff Ice   Alcohol 5.5% ABV
Shock Top   Alcohol 5.2% ABV
Old Resputin   Alcohol 9% ABV
O'Fallon Cherry Chocolate   Alcohol 5.7% ABV
Boylan's Cream Soda   Soda Non-Caffeinated 
Boylan's Diet Cream Soda   Soda Non-Caffeinated 
Boylan's Orange Soda   Soda Non-Caffeinated 
Boylan's Creamy Red Birch  Soda Non-Caffeinated 
Jarritos   Soda Non-Caffeinated 
Sprite   Soda Non-Caffeinated 
Pepsi   Soda Caffeinated 
Coca-Cola   Soda Caffeinated 
Star Cap ?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Letterform Wavelengths

After a week of collecting the visual wavelengths created by the impact of letterforms against a metal pizza shovel, I will be moving on to searching for the overall commonalities between my seven examples for each letter. After selecting the best fit for a representative letterform wavelength from each letter set, I will analyze the more distinct differences by zooming into them to see larger more detailed wavelengths. I am expecting that the resonance from each letter will be where the uniqueness between wavelengths will become more apparent as compared to the small generalized wavelengths, which only have subtle differences.

Friday, February 10, 2012

What I learned from experimenting this week.

During this week of experimentation in typography 4, I learned that there is subtle differences in sound between letters as they hit a surface. The attributes of the letter change this sound. A "U" in Bodoni is more likely to bounce than a Gotham "Z." This bounce also gives the sound a slightly rounded sound.

This next week I will be experimenting with dropping whole words and sentences, finding a better way or device for recording my sounds, and try editing my sounds so that they sound more like the oral expression and qualities of the letter.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Revised Personas

Steve Robinson
The Weekend Warrior

AGE: 39
Dallas, Texas
Construction Supervisor

Work ethic


On Safety: Long Sleeves, padded armor, full face helmet, boots and jeans.

"Lotta chome, a lotta chrome is all I can say."

Steve likes to ride and drink beer when he is not working. He isn't part of any particular group but he does ride with 3 different groups of guys depending on how much riding he wants to do. Whether its a 200 mile ride to just bar hopping all night. When the weather permits he rides his scoot to work. He just likes to have fun and doesn't like the aggressiveness of motorcycle clubs in his area. His Harley-Davidson Road King is his baby.

Jack Dickinson
The Motorcycle Collector

AGE: 46
Louisville, Kentucky


Working on hot rods
Bar hopping

Safety: He only wears a helmet on long trips because he believes the head is the most important thing to protect. He makes his son wear a helmet and protective clothing when he takes him to school on his bike. He is confident in his riding and that his son will be safe.

"My mom took me to buy a bike. I always thought my dad would be cool with it but never my mom."

Jack loves nothing more than riding his Triumph, one of his many bikes, for hours on end. He takes his kid to school on his bike, and drives in all forms of weather including snow, storms, and ice. He has a group of friends that he rides with regularly. Rather than being brand loyalists they appreciate all types of bikes and value the experience of riding above all else. He would love if more people knew the history of motorcycles. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Testing the Waters

This first week of working on my experiment will be small scale testing the relationship between the individual masses of letterforms and the sounds that they produce. This initial experiment will be of letterforms cut from masonite before I start cutting wood and aluminum letterforms. I can also start testing the difference between typefaces. Will Bodoni sound beautiful? or Helvetica flat and boring? Another element of this experiment that I can start to test is the surfaces onto which the letterforms will be dropping. Can the shape and acoustic qualities be changed to create new effects.

Typographic Experiments

Experiment 1

My first proposed experiment is concerned with the relation between the different masses of letterforms as they hit different surfaces. Could the sounds from the different masses be unique enough that when strung together they create some sort of message or emphasis? Could alternating the rhythm or creating capital sounds give new meaning? I am also interested in audience reaction and whether or not in a public area the sounds would be noticed.

Experiment 2
This experiment stemmed from an idea I had foundation year about forcing a viewer to look through a lens that distorts their visual perception. Integrating type into this I thought of adding another distortion through a floating typographic layer on pieces of transparency.  This initially started, as putting a layer of transparency in the tunnel of a door peephole as they separate and it would be easy to test with. This experiment would also work with cameras, either having the transparency inside the camera or in front of the lens.

Experiment 3
My final experiment is concerned with the reveal of information from an original view that has no message. The tool I first thought of for this exploration would be a stereoscope where the difference between the two images would be minimal movement but would show a contrasting and fulfilling second view.