Monday, September 19, 2011

A Sensational Read of excerpts from Tender Buttons


After reading through the poems and researching Gertrude Stein and her methodology I decided to emphasize the sound because she wrote these poems with the sound having more importance than the meaning. This book breaks down the words into their phonetic syllable hierarchy with the phonetic stress changes becoming visual. The lines of the poems were arranged to create a dynamically visual rhythm. This allows to reader to recognize the sound and rhythm quickly. These poems were chosen for the narrative that their titles create. The narrative is about the process and sensations of reading a book which leads to a disturbance and realization. 

The materials used were to further the concept of the empirical experience of reading a book. The leather has its smell and tactile qualities, while the pages also have a tactile quality. Their smoothness contrasts with the feel of the leather.

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