Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Wk5: Initial Analog Sketches and Collage Preparation

Initial Concept Sketches

This week began with initial sketches where for each song I produced 5 sketches. The first two sketches were straight collage, the third showed sequence using lines and numbering, and the fourth was set up like a math equation where the protagonist was added to the problem. The final sketches were complete geometric abstraction of subjects.

Moving on from the small group critique I will be using the first, third, and final sketch concepts to explore telling narrative. Also from the critique came the idea of creating collage that were more than just flat overlayed transparencies but were actually made in space and then photographed. I will be exploring both methods. 

sans color background

Collage Elements

While snowed in my house I prepped my collage elements, the images and lines, for the first album to be ready to print as soon as I get back to studio to hit the ground running!

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